Betz Green
Fine Art
About The Artist
As a child I spent countless hours wandering through the rural landscapes surrounding my home in Berks County, Pennsylvania. On these rambles I collected nature’s small-scale castoffs such as tiny animal skulls, seed pods, discarded bird nests and eggs, insect casings and other natural treasures. Upon returning home, these cherished bits would become still lifes from which I would study and endlessly draw. These early experiences form the sensibilities for my subjects and artistic style.
After attending Tyler School of Art, I became the original cover illustrator for the Montgomery County Town and Country Living Magazine and co-founded the Montgomery County Guild of Professional Artists. My current work includes a wide range of subject matter from both Montgomery and Bucks County. Over the years, I have produced portfolios of work featuring such diverse mediums as silverpoint, oil, oil pastel, charcoal, graphite, watercolor, metal leaf and mixed media collage. My works are detailed observations of the natural world around me, often with whimsical story lines.
I have been featured in gallery and museum shows and in numerous private collections. Among other regional, national and international shows, I have exhibited and received honors and awards at The State Museum of Pennsylvania, Phillips Mill, Stover Mill galleries in Bucks County, Philadelphia Water Color Society, Philadelphia Sketch Club- with the Gold and Silver Medals at Audubon Artists, Inc. and the Salmagundi Club in NYC.
My work is included on the Bucks County Artist Database through the Michener Art Museum.
I reside outside Philadelphia with my husband, fellow artist and collaborator James Green, a few chickens and too many gardens.